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Creating a better world - one relationship at a time
Get a complete Shape Compatibility Report that tells you who you are best with and which relationships would be a challenge. Learn why your Shape does better with certain Shapes than others. Find great date ideas for your Shape and get tips for making relationships work. Use our worksheet to find the best partner for you. Make sure you tell us your Shape when you fill out the order form - your report will be emailed right to you.
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Hearts are most compatible with...
Other Hearts, Circles, Ovals, and Triangles
Hearts, Circles and Ovals are all easy to get along with, love people, and hate conflict. Triangles and Hearts like their homes the same way.
Circles are most compatible with...
Other Circles, Arrows, Ovals, and Rectangles
Circles get along with almost everyone, but other fear of failure shapes are easier for them.
Diamonds are most compatible with...
Other Diamonds, Rectangles, Ovals, and Squares
These shapes are task focused or like things clean and organized too.
Squares and Diamonds may battle for control.
Ovals are most compatible with...
Other Ovals, Hearts, Circles, and Arrows
These shapes are task focused or fear of failure dominant so they are easy to get along with.
Arrows are most compatible with...
Other Arrows, Ovals, Circles, and Rectangles
These shapes are fear of failure dominant so they are easy to get along with and/or also like time alone and adventure.
Rhombuses are most compatible with...
Stars, Octagons, Diamonds, and Squares
These shapes are fear of loss dominant, can handle a strong partner, like things done right, and the Star and Octagon are a good match sexually.
Stars are most compatible with...
Rhombuses, Octagons, and Circles
These shapes also value appearances and are social. Stars can make it work with other shapes, but these are the best match.
Triangles are most compatible with...
Hearts, Ovals, Squares and Rectangles
These shapes can handle a highly intelligent partner who doesn't care about appearances at all.
Squares are most compatible with...
Diamonds, Ovals, Crosses, and Rectangles
These shapes can handle a highly opinionated partner who has a strong moral compass and principles.
Rectangles are most compatible with...
Other Rectangles, Circles, Arrows, and Ovals
These shapes can handle a highly intelligent partner who likes time alone to pursue their interests.
Crosses are most compatible with...
Other Crosses, Ovals, Squares, and Rectangles
These shapes can handle a cause driven partner who likes knowledge and making a difference.
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